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5 Biggest Coding Myths everyone used to believe in

  It takes to be a Genius to Code - Technotoken

Be it the thought of you are needed to be a Genius in order to Code, or It’s Too Late to Learn Coding, we all have had our doubts and myths we used to believe in, but you will be surprised to know that you were not alone at all as we all used to believe in these myths.

So today we are going to explore the 5 biggest coding myths everyone used to believe in. So, without any further ado, let’s Get Started.

It takes to be a Genius to Code 

I know it’s hard to believe as these days we are more aware of Coding than we ever have been, but shockingly it is the most common and the biggest myth and many of us still have this dilemma deep down inside our head till now when they think and believe that it takes a genius to code and only the people with the brilliants of minds and genius capabilities to code.

But in reality, it is not correct, as being a software developer requires more than just intelligence.


As Rasheed Ogunlaru says :


“How you look at it is pretty much how you'll see it”


Coding is a language that allows you to interact with a computer to perform a task. You may find learning it difficult or intimidating as it takes some effort, creativity, and learning to become a successful Coder - not the intelligence of a Genius.



You Need To Be Good At Math 

The second biggest and widely accepted Coding Myth is that you need to be good at math to become a great programmer, but it is not true, as you do not need mathematical formulas to write code. However, basic algebra is indeed needed, but it is of the basic level which you usually learn in primary school and for special cases like in case of game development in which you need a certain level of knowledge regarding physics and trigonometry, there are various plugins and libraries you can use to figure out these mathematical problems with ease.


To learn code, you must attend a university 

As coding seems to be hard to learn at first, and you might find yourself thinking that you need to attend a university to learn it. However, all of this depends on whether you want to pursue coding as a career or you just want to explore it. If you want to pursue it as your career then you might need to attend a university but if you just want to explore it which is the case for most people then you don’t need to do this at all like these days there are so many websites, resources and specialized courses designed to suit your needs available online which will help you do that with ease while also giving you the comfort of your home.


Coding is only for Nerds and Geeks 

Sure, being a coding nerd has its perks and some great programmers like Larry Page and Dennis Ritchie happened to be the greatest nerd's history has ever seen, but this doesn't mean that you need to be. Many exceptions did great in Coding without being a nerd or a geek, as it takes all kinds, hard work and dedication to become a great coder.


Coding is boring   

The other coding myth which everyone believes in is that coding is boring, but these days when technology is embedded in each and every part of our daily life, coding is the biggest part of it. Let it be your favorite video games, those cool mobile apps you love to use, or Social Media platforms you like to use, all of them are created by a programmer (coder). It takes a lot of imagination and creativity to write code. It is found that coding exercises can activate the brain's learning center as well as it can improve our cognitive skills, problem-solving skills and memory as well.


So this is it guys, if you want us to write more on this topic or have any particular queries regarding this post you can always comment or feel free to mail us at our official mail also, follow us on Instagram and Facebook to receive the Latest Updates first.




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