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Java Virtual Machine { JVM }

Java Virtual Machine - Technotoken

What is Java Virtual Machine { JVM }? 

Java Virtual Machine { JVM } is a virtual machine that enables a computer to run java Programs as well as programs written in other Languages like Kotlin , Clojure , Scala , Ceylon , JRuby and many more as all of these languages are also compiled to Java bytecode. JVM is a part of Java Runtime Environment (JRE). As in other programming languages, the compiler produces machine code for a particular system. However, in Java Virtual Machine it is the Java compiler which produces code.

JVM performs following operation :

  • Loads code
  • Verifies code
  • Executes code
  • Provides runtime environment

JVM provides definitions for the :

  • Memory area
  • Class file format
  • Register set
  • Garbage-collected heap
  • Fatal error reporting etc.

Java Virtual Machine { JVM } - Technotoken

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