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CSS ( Cascading Style Sheets ) - Technotoken

Cascading Style Sheets - Technotoken


CSS ( Cascading style sheet ) is the second language in the three important languages i.e ( HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ) which a web developer should have held on in order to become a good web developer. It is the language used for describing the presentation of a web page in other words this language is used for styling purposes of a web page which consists of different areas such as Color, Font and Presentation, etc. The Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is generally used in the <head> section of an Html file.

Basic Syntax of  CSS 

                             <style type ="text/css">
                                             color: white;
                                                 background-color: #d8da3d

Basic Example of CSS in HTML File

                      <title> First style sheet page </title>
                             <style type ="text/css">
                                             color: white;
                                                 background-color: #d8da3d
     <p> This is the paragraph which will be showed in the body of the web site </p>



The above program is about how we can use a CSS property to change the presentation of our web page. In this program two CSS properties are used which are ( color:   ; ) and ( background-color: ). The color property is used to change the color of the text which is written in the body while the background-color property is used to change the background color of the web page. Then there is a code written in front of the background-color which is ( #d8da3d ). This is known as the color code as every color has its own color code you can use either a name of a color or if you want to apply a particular color to the webpage you should use the color code of that color. Before using any CSS property you should use this statement ( <style type =" text/CSS"> </style> ) in the head section by which your browser will know that you are going to use or you are using a CSS property without this your browser will not give you the desired changes.

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